Korean Manmin cult leader Lee Jae-Rock's Genesis teachings - Sinless Edenians and UFOs

The following are excerpts from Lee Jae-Rock's teaching series on Genesis. These are portions quoted directly from one of Lee Jae-Rock's own websites, manminresearch.org in 2002. Since that time the Manmin research website was revamped and the mention of the Edenians and UFOs removed.

As of present his teachings on Genesis are still listed on the website but the links are not working. Perhaps those teachings proved to be too revealing of the strangeness of the beliefs of the Manmin church. These teachings do not pertain to central doctrine but are strange enough to show that Lee Jae-Rock is teaching strange speculation as fact and is not an orthodox Christian by any stretch of the imagination.

Excerpts from the Lectures on Genesis by Rev. Lee Jae-Rock (Quoted from the Manmin research website in 2002)

We have said that the Garden of Eden, though it belongs to the spiritual world, is differentiated from the third heaven. It can neither be called 'a wholly spiritual world' nor 'a physical world.' Nor is it in the space where time stops. The Garden of Eden still consists of factors of both flesh and spirit. In short, it is the intermediate world between spirit and flesh.

What has become of Adam and Eve's descendants that were born in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve were thrown out? It was Adam and Eve that disobeyed God's command and were forced out of the Garden of Eden, not their descendants. Their descendants, who had not committed the sin of Adam and Eve, still live in the Garden of Eden and are living souls with flesh and bones just like that of Adam. But they (we'll call Edenians) are different from human beings who age and die. They are living beings with immortal bodies that are free of death and decay. Eden is in the spiritual realm of the second heaven.

If your spiritual eyes are opened, you can see many things that exist beyond the limitations of the physical sight. But those whose spiritual eyes are not opened can still see UFOs and the Edenians on board UFO when they come out into this three dimensional space where we live. The clouds of the Garden of Eden and second heaven can be easily seen by those whose spiritual eyes are not opened when the clouds come out of the Garden of Eden into this sky. Even a great deal of water beyond our imagination can come out of there. Noah's flood can be understood easily in this respect.

Still, Edenians live a regular life naturally separating the time of activity from the time of rest. Edenians breathe and give birth to offspring. Most Edenians go about naked without need of garment. They have no sin nature. In the absence of sin there is no adultery or shame. They are like newborn babies. There are some in Eden that are seen to be clothed.

Edenian society has law and societal organization. Each society of Eden is comprised of heads and members. The heads, being different from its members, have on garments. They do not wear such garments out of shame, but as a specified mark of their position. They are chiefs of the Edenians who are organized by unit.

Male Edenians appear more slender and trim than for a human male of the same height. The glittering white skin makes them appear taller than they actually are. At full length, their hair drops down to the nape of the neck and shoulder where it terminates. The hair doesn't grow longer than that point. They lack facial hair. They grow from infancy to the youth, then grow no longer. They maintain their youth forever without degeneration or aging. Female Edenians are smaller than male Edenians. Their hair is about twice as long as a male. Male and female Edenians differ in physical appearance and structure of bones as in this world. Their milky white skin and golden blonde hair color is the same.

EDENIANS' EXPEDITION TO EARTH - UFO Edenians have learned many things about human beings and our life on the Earth. But their knowledge is not complete because they have never experienced the life on the Earth.

They have a strong curiosity and aspiration for this world. It may be they are like curious children with simple and inquisitive minds. Their desire is similar to many Christians who yearn to experience a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It is much the same way with Edenians who yearn for our life and wish to come down and to see the many things of the Earth. But all Edenians can't come down. Only those who are permitted by God in their order can come out of there and then they only see those things that are permitted. Also, they come clothed not naturally as most of them go about in the Garden of Eden. They are not permitted human contact freely as they so desire.

Because Adam was a living being with immortal flesh and bones he could not go in and out of the second heaven at will. He had to board a very special craft to get from Eden to this earth. The special craft was necessary for him to come and go between the spiritual realm and this world separated by the space of no passage of time. It's the same with Edenians who live in Eden now. Edenians have the same immortal flesh and bones that Adam had. They still have an absolute need of the special craft to come down to this earth in order to overcome the restrictions imposed by the space of no passage of time.

When the first man Adam came down from Eden to this earth, he used an aircraft that looked like a wagon. Maybe it looked like a wagon made of cloud. The special flying objects Edenians get on have demonstrated various kinds of flying patterns and speeds that can't be achieved by any modern scientific technology applied to aircraft. There is a behavioral characteristic (so far unreported) that UFOs should demonstrate making high speed entries and exits from the Earth's atmosphere. They are called 'unidentified flying objects', namely 'UFO'

One reason UFOs are not seen readily is because of the very high speed and the other reason is because UFOs are encircled with an electronic-like membrane. This brightly shining membrane encircles it similar to a fine mesh. Many eyewitnesses see not the real shape of UFOs but only the membrane that makes them appear as rounded luminous objects. Because the luminous object flies at a tremendous speed, it is not readily seen but if seen it also disappears abruptly. UFOs have been seen worldwide with historicity and frequency. The time when we can no longer deny their existence has come.

UFOs are observed all over the world in various shapes and sizes. We have achieved great developments in science and technology. We have launched unmanned spacecrafts for the expedition of Mars. How great results have been achieved through the science and technology of Edenians? The results are far beyond the scope and measure of our imagination. Extrapolating from the various kinds of automobiles that we have developed, we can easily understand the diversity of UFOs that have been developed.

It's true that Edenians need the aircraft like UFOs to come and go between the first heaven and the second heaven, but the body structure and the skeletal framework aren't changed on this earth. When Edenians come down to this earth on UFO, they are the same as what they are in the Garden of Eden. It is the same upon return. If we visit the Garden of Eden, we would be the same as what we are in this world. We are not flattened or warped when we enter the second heaven from this world. We are maintained as we are.

The Garden of Eden is not the perfect spiritual realm but the realm both of the spirit and of the flesh. The spiritual world and the physical world coexist in the Garden of Eden. Edenians can live in this world, and we human beings can adapt ourselves to the environment of the Garden of Eden if we can go there. But Edenians cannot stay in this earth for extended periods of time.

The passage of time on the Earth during the long period when Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden might be beyond our imagination. If several tens of thousands of years have passed in the Garden, the passage of time of the Earth might be several tens of millions of years. The knowledge of the difference of time passage between the two worlds can also help us understand how the scientific measurement of the age of the Earth shows such a long period of time.

If we approach UFOs with the same concept of the different time stream, we can easily understand the tremendous speeds that the modern technology can't match up. If an object flying at the speed of 100 m/s in the Garden of Eden comes out into our sky, the UFO and Edenians on board are still flying at their speed of 100 m/s, but it may appear to us that the speed is several hundreds of thousands to millions of meters per second because of the time discrepancy maintained between the two worlds.

Because the passage of time of 'a second' to Edenians on board may correspond to several thousand seconds in this world, the distance UFO flies for a second is much greater than the distance we can fly for a second in this world. Therefore, UFOs are seen to fly at tremendous speeds. Reconsider the man-grub metaphor, the distance a man walks for an hour is greater beyond imagination of the grub.

Lucifer looks like a dreadful bat with the eyebrows raised sharply and the eyes gloomily painted in dark blue. And it gives off the dark blue atmosphere like a dead corpse. Suppose shocking demons or apparitions. Its hair is distractingly dyed with white, yellow, red and other many colors, and outstretched in four directions, not disheveled.

Dragons were loved utmostly, together with Lucifer, by God. Lucifer gave joy and happiness to God and shared love with him, but whereas dragons themselves were the joy of God the Father and were loved like pets. Just as the brilliant lights of beautiful jewels make our eyes dazzling, so the splendid and brilliant lights dispersed from them became a big joy and pleasure to God. They were like so brilliant jewels of God.

Dragons were four in altogether. The four dragons encircled the throne of God the Father, and he was delighted to see the brilliant figure of dragons. And he always patted on and caressed them softly nearby him. Therefore the dragons could always see God the Father near the throne, hear what he said and watch how he reigned over the spiritual realm. As a long time had passed, dragons could know the mind of God and feel his heart despite having no humanity. They could grasp the inner heart of God to some degree.

What is the identity of demons?
Demons used to be human beings that were made from the dust of the ground and consisted of spirit, soul, and body before they become demons.

Then, who become the demons? First, he who sells his own soul to Satan. It is such a serious sin to God that he becomes a demon if Lucifer would use him. Of course all such men don뭪 become demons. Second, he who kills himself on account of his own evil. He who kills himself is very evil beyond man's conscience. Next, he who betrays God. Sometimes someone had experienced the grace and strength of God obviously and had faith in him, but later denied God and cast away the way of faith. Finally, he who blasphemes, hinders or speaks against the Holy Spirit. Someone knows the truth and says, "I have faith in God" but speaks against the Holy Spirit, or blasphemes and hinders the Holy Spirit because he has the evil in himself.

So Lucifer made the part of tortured souls become demons at its own will. Lucifer picks up evil souls who are proper for demons and makes them demons. Once the evil souls have become demons by Lucifer, they can no longer do at their own will or choice.. They must do wholly in the will of Lucifer.

I wish more people could understand the deep heart and the secreted will of God that he prepared before time began.
