World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN ) - an arm of the Manmin cult
Yet for these conferences, those attending and speakers taking part have not even bothered to research into the organization that is sponsoring this conference. For the 2005 conference, respected doctors such as Dr. David Prentice of Do No Harm and Dr. George Chandy of Vellore CMC and Dr. T.M. Joseph of MTH in Cochin were all recruited to speak at this cult sponsored event. And from the church end, Rev. Dr. John Joseph (Christ for Every Soul) appears to have totally partnered up with the Manmin cult as he was a featured speaker in the Chennai conference and the WCDN website has had a link to his Christ For Every Soul website.
Below is an open letter to Dr. Prentice, which also was emailed and faxed to him with no response. Whether he actually saw any of the emails or the fax is unknown however. He is obviously a very intelligent man and has contributed much from the Christian side to the stem cell research and cloning debates, yet somehow got deceived into thinking that the WCDN was a respeced organization worth participating with. Probably he was far too busy to research into the WCDN which is understandable. But then again, if you were asked to be a primary speaker at a conference, wouldn't you find out about who is sponsoring the conference before agreeing to speak?
The following can be a rough model for emails that can be sent out to potential participants in future WCDN conferences.
Dear Dr. Prentice,
This is in regards to the International Christian Medical conference in Chennai India on May 30 and 31, at which you are speaking.
As you know, the conference is being run by the World Christian Doctors Network, which is an organization completely run and funded by the Manmin Joong-Ang church.
I am contacting you to alert you to the fact that the Manmin Joong-Ang church is a cult and Lee Jae-Rock (Korean healing evangelist) a false teacher. Of course I realize that most of the speakers such as yourself and promoters of this conference do not yet know anything about this.
It is of course true that this conference will have such useful topics such as divine healing, euthenasia, stem cell research, and priorities of doctors. And good Christian speakers such as Dr. George Chandy and yourself are scheduled to take part. However this gathering will also largely (and in my view, mainly) be a tool to promote Lee Jae-Rock and the Manmin church.
Manmin leader Lee Jae-Rock will speak in an introductory video; there will later be a video presentation on Manmin ministries; Manmin director of the WCDN will speak; testimonies of healings from the 2002 Lee Jae-Rock Chennai crusade will be discussed; and the winner of a competition amongst medical students will receive "Rev Jaerock Lee's Award."
The vast majority of Christians here in Madras have no idea that Lee Jae-Rock is a false teacher or that the Manmin church is a cult. A huge crusade in Chennai in 2002 had the endorsement of many good pentecostal churches. Unfortunately the real information about Lee Jae-Rock and the Manmin cult was not available or presented to the many church leaders who supported and promoted the crusade.
Lee Jae Rock sounds like a great spiritual healing evangelist and does preach normal biblical sermons at his large public crusades and events, but underneath the surface is in reality a heretical teacher, and his Manmin church his cult following. Unfortunately, information about the heresy and highly questionable character of Lee Jae-Rock is rare in English (though a number of books and websites in Korean do expose him.)
He was excommunicated as a cult leader from his own denomination (Church of Holiness) in May 1990 and from the Korean Christian Association (Han Ki Chong) on 30th of April 1999 because of his unbiblical teachings.
Lee Jae-Rock (also known as Jaerock Lee) claims to have received revelation just like the Apostle John. He claims his body has sinless blood (due to a blood transfusion in 1992). He meets with the prophets, apostles and patriarchs. His spirit is at the left side of God's throne. He will be the judge on the last day and all the angels submit to him, and that his blood is sinless since a blood transfusion after a car accident. He has made many more such statements to his followers which have been repeatedly documented, but publicly he denies having made these claims. In any case, Lee Jae-Rock is seen as a great prophet or even divine by many of his followers.
Lee Jae-Rock has had bizarre teachings even on one of the Manmin websites such as that Adam and Eve had sinless descendants who visit the earth in UFOs. His books state as fact that Heaven has bowling alleys, roller coasters, cloud automobiles and movie theaters; that God the Father and the Holy Spirit live in separate castles but sometimes meet to talk and share their hearts with each other; that God was originally light with a voice and then divided himself into the trinity at a certain time and at a certain location. He states that in hell sometimes demons inflate babies up like balloons and play catch with them.
A documentary video was aired a few years ago exposing Lee Jae-Rock's bizarre claims and gambling activities. A number of his followers stormed the TV facility to prevent the broadcast. At least 600 South Korean riot police were called out to end the occupation. The Manmin church had earlier reportedly obtained a court order preventing MBC from screening a story about Lee Jae-Rock's sex life.
An aim of this conference seems to be to promote Manmin ministries and give Jaerock Lee more publicity and credibility. Most people in India and other nations have no idea about the Manmin cult as information about Korean churches and cults is not readily available outside of Korea. You can research and verify this information for yourself - If you have any Christian friends from Korea (who have lived there in recent years) they can likely confirm this information as Jaerock Lee is well known there.
While I know you have a lot of good information to share at the conference, I think that you should also keep in mind that the Manmin church cult is using you and your good name to give their conference (and themselves) credibility and respectability. They will have yourself and a few others as genuinely useful and constructive speakers but the rest of the conference will highlight the Manmin church and Jaerock Lee.
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